A God We Can Trust

We may have heard it more than a few times in our lives…”trust me” and that trust has been broken or that trust is shallow at best. The word trust means “a firm belief in the reliability , truth, ability or strength of someone or something. True trust is a privilege enjoyed by the believer and is built on and established through time. In the book of Acts , Luke writes to Theophilus which means “friend of God or beloved by God”, about all that Jesus began to do and teach. So it seems that we can all be a Theophilus or friend of God. We as the body of believers are a continuation of all that Jesus began to do and teach long ago. We have the pages of scripture that tells us of God’s faithfulness through the centuries past. So we can count on Him today! He simply asks us to abide in Him. To remain. Because apart from Him we can do nothing, but with Him we can do all things through Christ which strengthens us.

The Old testament also speaks of God’s faithfulness for thousands of years. We see the result of those who trusted and honored him and the result of those who didn’t. So in the Gospel of John Jesus says trust God trust also in me. The same way the people of God trusted Him for everything, do the same with Jesus. We should take Jesus at his word and believe that we can not only trust him with our souls, but our very lives as well. All the small minute details of our moment-by-moment decisions we make should be done to honor Him. The Christian life is often referred to as a walk. The bible says Enoch walked with God 400 yrs! and then he was no more because the Lord took him. He walked with his Lord all the days of his life intimately and that’s what our Lord wants. Intimate fellowship.

God knows whats best for us because all the days of our lives were already written in his book before any of them came to be. So walk close to him. Know his word because his word ‘reveals his nature. Love him with all your heart for he is worthy!!! Proverbs 16:25 says there is a way that seems right to a man but its end leads to death. Carnal man alone cant make it but with God we can!!! He simply asks us to acknowledge him in all our ways and he will direct our path. The path isnt always smoothe but is firm and secure! Trust him today!!! David sought the heart of God and therefore knew his Lord intimately…learn from his example and seek the Lord today, know him, know his voice, know his Word. He truly is faithful and trustworthy.

Pastor Kevin

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